10 Tips for A Psychic & Spiritual Spring Clean

A Psychic & Spiritual Spring Clean


Spring is fast approaching, I can feel it in the air today. I woke with the energy high and feeling it was time for a clean Out of my old clothes and items which are on longer needed or desired. The sun was shining outside as I began to go through my belongings. I also cleaned the wardrobes and cupboards. This felt wonderful after I had completed the task, so refreshing but also very energising. The action of Spring Cleaning also allows for the movement of energy once again. Things will flow better and life starts to move forward.

Now if the action of spring cleaning our home has such a positive effect on our lives, image the effect of having a Psychic or Spiritual Spring Clean.

It is the perfect time now to clear out old ways of working which perhaps no longer serve you. Perhaps its a great time change the way you Work or Bring in new methods and ways of working Spiritually, perhaps learn a skill. Work with a different product or tool, take a course in whatever subject really interests you.

At this time of the year, just before Spring really steps in I like to prepare myself both Spiritually and Physically for the wonderful months ahead. I will begin a Spring Detox of fresh vegetable juices, I will try to get outdoors for more walks and exercise.  Below are some of my Top Tips for your Spring Psychic & Spiritual Spring Clean:Be-Happy-Feel-Good-5-1024x640

1. Begin with your physical body. Purify your system with vegetable juices and spring water instead of tea & coffee. Just try it for a week and see and feel the difference.

2. Get outside and take in the fresh air & walk to exercise your body and clear the mind

3. Re-Assess how you work spiritually. Are you in a rut or do you need to re-fresh your wonderful abilities? Do the tools you use still work for you as well as they did before?

4. Throw away any psychic tools you have not worked with in the last 2 years.

5. Learn a new skill. Perhaps you wish learn something new and introduce this into your spiritual work.

6. Perform a Chakra & Aura Cleanse

7. Perform a Spiritual House Cleanse. This should be done every few weeks or months.

8. Have you been thinking of starting a new form of exercise? Now is the time to start. Kundalini Yoga is fantastic for increasing clairvoyance by stimulating the Pituitary Gland. This exercise also increases intuition and brings fresh blood to the brain and glandular system.

9. Perhaps have a spiritual assessment  to see where you are in your development and where your unique abilities lay.

10. This is also a great time to set goals for the months ahead.

Try to use this time positively as much as you can. We are now coming out of the sleepy months of winter which are used to plan, plant seeds but not to take action. Now we are in the beginning stages of Spring  the action begins, so lets get started nwellbeingow! Do not delay do It today…There is no time like the present to make things happen for ourselves. Set procrastination aside, and do the best you can to implement some: if not all of the tips outlined above.

Above all have fun and enjoy what you do especially now as we enter this wonderful year. Time is on our side as we are still at the beginning of the year. We have plenty of time to bring about the changes we want to have in our lives. The changes which will ultimately allow us to awaken, feel happy and content.

When we are in Need of a ‘Psychic & Spiritual Tune Up’

‘Psychic & Spiritual Tune Up’


I have had the most Bizarre experience recently. I had not felt connected to my Guides and to Spirit for a Few days, I was not feeling the usual amount of High Energy when I opened up. I was able to Connect enough to Read for People but I am accustomed to being able to feel and sense the Higher Energies when I connect to Read. I normally need to take time to Ground myself for a while after conducting Readings. However, this had not been necessary or felt  to be so important since I had not connected with the High Levels over the last few days.

Now, I know that we sometimes go through a Spiritual Change on occasions when we go up a Spiritual Level, that can sometimes feel as though Spirit has ‘Pulled the Plug’. During this process we can feel as though our Development has Plateaued, its like pulling back an Arrow before you let it go. However, I knew this felt different and was not the case in this situation. I have been Through many Spiritual Changes before and I am able to Recognize the Feelings and Symptoms associated with it.

Frustration set in for me, what is happening I asked myself and what can I do. So I decided to consult a very dear and Trusted Colleague of mine, Rachel Keene. Rachel is the only Psychic I like to Read for me. I go Rachel when I feel I require a Reading for Guidance and Insight in to certain areas of my life. Even though I am A Psychic Medium myself for longer in depth readings I need to visit another Psychic or Medium. It is a well known fact that Psychics & Mediums should not read for themselves, so I asked Rachel to look into it for me.

I knew something was not right with me and Rachel said she could work with me the following week. However, something wonderful happened to me that very night. After chatting to Rachel, I went too bed. During my sleep I had a very strange Dream where I felt something being unblocked in my head, particularly on my Crown Chakra. chakrasUpon waking I felt very different, much better to be honest. I began getting ready for my Show on Psychic Today. I messaged Rachel and told her what I had Experienced during my Sleep State and I asked her if she had done anything Remotely while I had been asleep. She said she had done a Chakra Cleanse concentrating on my Crown Chakra, Third Eye and Solar Plexus. Well I can tell you the Result was nothing short of Amazing. I went to work and my connection was back to the levels I am accustomed to. The Show went really well and I was so relieved to be back to normal.

When I spoke to Rachel she said my Crown Chakra and Third Eye had been blocked. I had what you might call a ‘Psychic MOT’. I have now decided to book myself in for a ‘Psychic & Spiritual Tune Up’ every month with Rachel. Even though I perform regular Chakra Cleanse Meditations myself every couple of days, I feel I may have had a build of which needed a stronger approach. To think that what Rachel did for me, and Remotely too ( which means from a Distance ) was so powerful I would strongly recommend this MOT to all People who work Spiritually. I work six days per week in the Spiritual Industry so may require this service more often than those of you who work less time.

Having experienced this Block myself I will not allow it to happen again and like I take care of my Physical Body with a Pure Diet and Yoga, I will also ensure my Spiritual Body is also taken care of by having a ‘Spiritual MOT’.